Playing again doesn’t reset options… And I so badly wanted to go a different route… Not seeing a scroll bar, I didn’t know there was hidden option(s)! Oof!
Unusual! I haven't been able to reproduce this bug. Could you please provide me additional data? Knowing which browser you're using and which choices you had previously selected would help me identify the issue and squish it. FOR SCIENCE.
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Playing again doesn’t reset options… And I so badly wanted to go a different route… Not seeing a scroll bar, I didn’t know there was hidden option(s)! Oof!
I’m on a tablet, btw.
aw man, i want to know more about this setting
That was a good time
I have this questions for all your games but, is it supposed to be just text?
Yes, sorry to disappoint! They're all text games - like a digital version of choose-your-own-adventure books.
Beautiful. I adored the possible combinations.
Paired well with "Closer" by Kings of Leon or "Lioness" by Ohia
i listened to closer and it made the game more poignant
"Where should I bite you?"
No options pop up.
"No where I guess, hhhh"
Unusual! I haven't been able to reproduce this bug.
Could you please provide me additional data? Knowing which browser you're using and which choices you had previously selected would help me identify the issue and squish it. FOR SCIENCE.
It happens after you've gone through all the choices, even if you replay.
Can be fixed by wiping browser history.
Fixed by reloading the page
For me, it happened on chrome browser, also on the second replay.
Hmm, still isn't repaired?
I believe resetting the variables after refreshing will help?
For now I'd just refresh the page.
Same for me fam!
Bug still exists as of May 2022, only fix I've found is closing and relaunching the program.
Bug still exists in Mar., 2025! … Still like the story, tho